I am – stepLINKS of the Day

It’s one of those days where everything starts off amazing. I woke up in the corner of my bedroom floor dripping with sweat and shaking like I was coming off of heroin. I then checked my mail to find a check made out to be for 2 cents. I am really happy this site provides so much for my family. What the fuck can I do with 2 cents. I was thinking that even I am too embarrassed to bring that shit to the bank for fear of being laughed out of the place, then I realized that beggars can’t be choosers so I cashed the fucker. I wish I had my camera because it was a fucking daydream…

Here are some links for you to click on while I try to remember the last week of activity and see if I can find some funny shit to tell you cunts later….

I am – stepLINKS of the Day June 20th, 2013