I am – Victoria Beckham’s Nipples of the Day


I was emailed these pictures of Victoria Beckham’s tits in some grey cotton and decided to post them because they are fucking hot. I really have no right to be posting these pictures proven byt he fact that I contacted a lawyer about all the lawsuits I’ve been facing the last 2 months, but I will post them anyway. My lawyer told me that there is nothing legal in what I do, and I figured that there is because I am just telling you stories about random shit I’ve seen set to pictures I find. I don’t really know who the source is and for all I know maybe I took the fucking picture. I am pretty fucking drunk and what it all comes down to is that my insider lohan connection told me she was pretty drunk to. I was getting tired of being judged by the people around me about my lifestyle choices and seem to have found comfort in other alcoholics, like lohan. I am back on my Lohan love affair mission that I’ve been pretty slack about lately, mainly because she has enough money to pay my rent for me, but also because I have never banged a redhead and want to…

I read somewhere that the way to a woman’s heart was to look for pictures of famous bitches with erect nipples because it doesn’t make you look like a desperate, virgin pervert and it really makes them want to take off their panties for you… True fucking story.

I am – Victoria Beckham’s Nipples of the Day April 19th, 2007