I thought about Kim Kardashian when I was taking a shit today. Not because she’s brown and bangs brown people in shitty movies that we thought would be amazing but couldn’t jerk off to because she sucked, but because she was pissed on and piss is one step away from scat and my toilet is totally into scat, it loves it when I shit in its mouth.
There is no denying that she has fat tits and even though I don’t think big tits make a woman worth banging, my friend does. He ignores when a bitch is 50 lbs overweight just because he wants to play with her tits. I can only assume you’re the same way. It’s a whole beggars can’t be chooser situation, where you are the beggar and realized that fat chicks are pretty easy and despite being disgusted by them, you just stare at their huge tits and focus on finishing as soon as you can so you can go home and get back to play your video games