I am – Fergie’s Panty Leak of the Day


Fergie isn’t a man because she has boobs and wears women’s panties. That’s usually the defining criteria I need before fooling around with what I think is a chick. Until I see her scrotum, I am sticking to the theory that she was born a chick, she’s just a little more muscular than most dudes I know, but I guess the dudes I know are lazy drunks who think standing in the shower is too much work, so they just avoid them all together. These are supposed to be panty pictures that leaked from her new music video. I am not sure if they really are, but they passed get posted anyway, I am not sure if that makes you lucky or not, but if you are reading this site, I’ll go with not….

I am – Fergie’s Panty Leak of the Day April 19th, 2007