I am – Liz Hurley Hurts Kids of the Day


I don’t know what the laws are about posting pictures of celebrity kids, but I can only assume that I am not allowed to and if these pics hadn’t made me laugh then I wouldn’t have bothered because a kid can’t be responsible for his mother being a hollywood slut we all used to want to fuck and would still fuck if we were given the chance but the fact that we aren’t billionaires from India make it pretty much impossible to make happen because she likes to fuck wallets more than fucking guys who are good a videogames. Sucks for you.

I am posting these pictures because the kid is making funny fucking faces like it has to pee or something, I don’t really understand little kid language because I am one of those old bitter fucks who find kids scary. Either way, his mom is just ignoring the motherfucker, because it is the nanny’s job and her phone call is more important than the pain in the ass that came from her womb.

I am – Liz Hurley Hurts Kids of the Day April 19th, 2007