I am – stepTV Makes a Drink at a Bar of the Day

I decided that I am going to help you get pussy. The new strategy is for you to go out to bars, clubs, coffee shops, restaurants, in class, or wherever the fuck you meet girls and pretend that you are Jesus Martinez. Ask them if they read celebrity sites, drop the website name, if they know about it, go along with it, if they don’t introduce them to it and tell them that you write the site, that you’re Jesus Martinez and that you want to make them famous. I am pretty sure that it will work on some girls and I don’t mind you using my name. If they email me as a background check, I’ll go along with the lie, since it was my idea to begin with.

The reason I thought of this is because a guy I know went to a store the other day and the staff were reading the site, he told them that he wrote the site and they both gave him their numbers because Internet is the new TV and even though I have 20 readers and 2 people who leave comments, bitches still love the shit and since I can’t take advantage of it, someone should and that someone is you….

Either way, here’s stepSTEVE making a drink behind the bar with some barmaid. Enjoy.

I am – stepTV Makes a Drink at a Bar of the Day April 25th, 2007