I am – Homeless Man Showing His Photo Album of the Day

I spent way too much time on this fucking video that I know no one will watch. I am not very tech savvy and I couldn’t figure out how to export it. I was on the internet pretty much all day and I didn’t update my site because I was stuck doing this. You may think it’s useless but it brings a smile to my face and I guess that’s all that matters.

The story behind this is I was walking down the street and saw a crowd of people. There was some weird African lookin’ dude with some rain stick showing off a photo album to the crowd. They were pictures of him on his journeys and he was telling the stories about each picture. There were pictures of him with politicians, pictures of him with celebrities, pictures of him with the cops. It was all really strange but it wasn’t strange enough to be a daydream. I still felt compelled to show you that even homeless lookin’ motherfuckers have history too. There may be nothing funny about this post, it doesn’t always have to be funny. Asshole.

I am – Homeless Man Showing His Photo Album of the Day June 5th, 2007