I am – Kate Hudson Nipples of the Day

I got some slack today for posting the breastfeeding pictures and I figured this was a good opportunity to explain myself. Basically the person who wrote into me told me that my site is a porn site and posting pictures of a bitch feeding her baby is giving perverts something to jerk off to and that is morally fucking wrong because it involves a baby. The person felt that by posting these pictures, I was implying that when women feed their babies in public it is something that should get you off and by posting pictures of it, I am basically giving you fuckers the green light to jerk off to pictures with babies in them.

My response is that I do social and celebrity commentary. If I see a bitch feeding her kid in public, I am going to look. I am not going to get turned on by the fact that her tit is being sucked on by a baby, but I am going to check out what kind of tits she’s packing. I figured that if a girl pulls her tits out in the open she wants me to look. It happens so rarely in my world and if they don’t give a fuck about doing it then I am not going to give a fuck about posting them here.

I also think that if you use this site for masturbation material, you are pretty fucking weird because there’s a whole internet of hardcore porn that will probably get the job done a lot more successfully. My mission is not to get you off. I don’t post shit for the sake of turning you on. I post because I usually have something to say about the pictures, whether what I say is of substance or not, I get inspired or reminded of things I have seen and done.

The internet is filled with freakshows like hornylohanwanker who should probably be locked up even though he’s probably a school teacher or banker or some shit, but we’ll never know because he’s anonymous and that’s what the Internet is fueled by. If someone gets off to people eating, people walking, people dancing, dogs fucking, car racing, motorcycles or household appliances, they can either get of to that shit by doing a google image search on their computer behind closed doors or by going out into society and doing it there. I’d rather keep them locked up to their computer. If someone gets off to girls at the beach or girls at the waterpark or girls at the public pool, should we shut those down because of the few weirdos?

So what I am saying is that I don’t write for perverts, I don’t run a porn site, but it’s all up for interpretation and if that’s what this is to you, I can’t change that shit, just keep visiting cuz I need all the traffic I can get. I will just continue doing what I do and if that involves a slag showing the world her tits wither her baby suckin them for whatever reason and I get inspired enough to post it, I am going to post it because I am not going to censor myself or let you ruin all my fucking fun by dictating what I can or can’t do because of the freaks that are landing here.

That said, here are some pictures of Kate Hudson’s nipples and her baby who is dressed cooler than you.

I am – Kate Hudson Nipples of the Day June 6th, 2007