I am – Pre-Civil War South of the Day

My best friend is this guy from the Bahamas who grew up here in Montreal and went to an all white private boarding school on a Math scholarship. He has, out of anyone I know, experienced an obscene amount of racism and still does to this day at times (hes a computer programmer).

One thing being his friend made me realize is how all those assholes who think racism went out the door with slvery, or when black people got the vote, or didn’t have to ride the back of the bus anymore are fukking fooling themselves. People these days are just as fucking racist against blacks or mexicans or arabs or fucking whoever, they just aren’t as vocal about it. Which in the end makes it okay to them. “It’s okay if we call the kid down the street a fucking towel head, just don’t do it in front of him.” Fuck You.

hugs and kisses

Marie-Eve Martinez

I am – Pre-Civil War South of the Day July 31st, 2007