I am – Christina Aguilera’s Crazy Fucking Cleavage of the Day


Being the slowest site to update out there, I am sure you’ve seen all these pictures before, but it’s Monday so I don’t really give a fuck about giving you what you need and how fast you need it, I am still trying to wake the fuck up and deal with the fact that my life is pretty fucking shitty, especially when I am sitting here cropping pictures of a bitch with big tits, like it’s fucking newsworthy or relevant to the world.

I am more fascinated with milk filled tits than I am with fake tits, lucky for use Augilera has both since she’s knocked up and a highend stipper or pornstar who doesn’t need to fuck on camera or get naked on stage for some dude’s pocket change, she does it behind closed doors but she still has to live up to the image by getting fake tits, fake hair, fake tan, and a manager boyfriend type who is ready to exploit her the first chance he gets to make a dollar, because that’s just what his kind does….

I once knew a stripper who made breast milk a huge part of her act. The stripclub was in some small town in some barn and the girls were all pretty strong from working the fields all day and the pole all night. This one bitch they called Creamy Clementine would get on stage and hose the locals down with her tit milk from having numerous kids and a breast pump that kept shit going well into her 40s. Anyway, I originally didn’t understand why all the grown men were going crazy like she was the Kool Aid guy and she just broke through their highschool cafeteria wall, but they were fucking hooked. I am talking pushing each other down and beating each other up to get to the stream of milky goodness squirting out of her tit.

I never took part in this show because it grossed me out and I didn’t research what kind of diseases a diseased whore can spread through her tits so I just kept my curiosity at bay until this guy I knew with the hottest wife around asked me to babysit. I know asking a drunken pervert to babysit seems fucking weird, but I love kids and we had a good time, the only problem is that she had about 4 bottles of her milk set aside for the kid and I couldn’t help but taste it thinking about old Creamy Clementine from years before.

I got hooked and I drank all 4 bottles, shit was powerful and I needed more so I’d show up unexpected a couple times a week and down all the tit milk I could find….that was until they caught on and I was blacklisted from their home and banned as a friend of the family, but I still remember the smooth flavor that touched my lips and slowly dripped down my throat and every time I see a bitch with milk filled titties I get all excited to get a taste, for some reason asking for a taste never goes over as well as planned cuz girls just think you want to suck their tits and end up slapping you or having their husbands defend their honor, but I promise I’ve got good intentions….

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I am – Christina Aguilera’s Crazy Fucking Cleavage of the Day August 20th, 2007