I am – Jennie Garth Cleavage Pictures of the Day

My server is a fucking whore and has been acting up the last 2 years. I am told the company is working on a fix but that means that I don’t have a site right now and it’s a pretty scary thought that you can lose everything you work for in about a minute, not that I really work, but you know what I mean.

Speaking of not working, here’s Beverly Hills 90210 superstar Jennie Garth, a little older and a little poorer since she hasn’t got a pay check in 10 years, but at least she’s rockin’ some cleavage.

I met a girl the other day while getting a lap dance who was a trained dancer. She spent her life in ballet school and lived the disciplined and strict life. She couldn’t make any money doing it and loved dancing so much that now she’s an over qualified stripper and I got to grab her ballerina tits for 10 dollars.

The other strippers didn’t like her because of her artistic approach to the pole. Shit was like watching some kind of artistic cultural event and this tattooed whore who learned here moves watching music videos and porn ended up punching her in the face for being such a fag while I was there. I guess there’s something hot about a stripper with a black eye who does ballet, it kinda adds to the whole “crying scene” in her routine…and I know you get off to chicks who look beat up because you’re weird.

Here are Jennie Garth’s tits, because she may be an actor out of work but she’s still got a vagina.

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I am – Jennie Garth Cleavage Pictures of the Day September 26th, 2007