I am – Christina Aguilera Naked and Pregnant of the Day


I have a feeling that pregnant chicks are easy, not because their pregnant and it’s obvious they let dudes throw it at them, but because they are always fuckin’ showing off their naked pregnant bodies. Every pregnant chick seems to think the whole being pregnant thing is a magical fucking experience because some parasite is developing inside of them like a weird science experiment that will only come out to annoy them for at least the next 18 years of their life and it is making them all hormonal. It also makes them document the growth of their belly by taking naked pictures of themselves either as a reminder to never do that shit to themselves again or because they actually think it’s a beautiful experience.

I am all for ready to drop nudity, because sometimes disgusting is hot. I am also into lactating bitches, fat girls and puking girls, so maybe pregnancy is for me. Here are some pictures of Christina Aguilera posing for some magazine naked, because every pregnant chick loves getting naked to show off how sexy pregnancy is, because they are horny, hormonal and trying to have a keepsake to remember how big they got while their husbands refuse to slam them because she’s carrying their fuckin’ child and no one wants their kid to be raised by a whore.

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I am – Christina Aguilera Naked and Pregnant of the Day November 28th, 2007