Nicolette Sheridan in Her Bikini Again of the Day

Image Removed due to Papparazzi

I am pretty fucking hungover. I went to a Christmas Party last night that was a couple days after Christmas because the kinds of guys I hang with are just as confused as I am but there was a lot of booze and that’s always a good thing.

After drinking the party dry and not remembering much more than being jumped by a lesbian who was showing everyone her vagina while she was jacked on coke and doing Windsor Pilates on the kitchen floor naked listening to an old school Discman CD player like shit was 1995 and the iPod wasn’t invented yet and only passing out wasted back at home at 8 am, so I am a little late in posting today.

I don’t really have anything to say about Nicolette Sheridan that I haven’t already said, shit gets repetitive. She’s got a tight body for her age, that could be from all the Windsor Pilates she does on kitchen floors while drunk after showing everyone her vagina, or it could be that most women in their 40s are busy picking their kids at school or emotionally eating their depressed lives away because nothing worked out the way they dreamt it would work out when they were little girls, while Nicolette is living the dream, or at least the dream to any teenagers rockin’ out to a Bolton album in the 90s, thinking to themselves that one day they’ll marry this heartthrob…

None of that really matters, what does matter is that New Years Eve is in a couple of days and even less than my regular 5 people are actually reading this shit, and that makes all this work pretty fucking questionable, especially when I feel like I just shit my brain out because there was all this blood on the mattress and in my pants. Maybe I just got my period. Cuddles.

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Nicolette Sheridan in Her Bikini Again of the Day January 7th, 2008