Louise Redknapp in a Bikini of the Day

It seems like in the UK all the popstars end up marrying “football” players and it seems like once marrying a “footballer” your life consists of spending a lot of time in a bikini. Now, I had no idea who Lousie Redknapp was before coming across these pictures and I realize that it really doesn’t matter because she’s in a bikini and the second I see a girl in a bikini, she becomes relevant to me. I don’t care if she’s all that hot or all that interesting or whether she offers the world much more substance than a glimpse of her tits in a tube top bikini, I just care that she’s gone out and done the bare minimum to keep me happy and that bare minimum is showing the world a glimpse of her tits in a tube top bikini, which is more than I can say for any of the girls who visit this site and for the record I am not too impressed with your lack of effort in making me a happier person. What it comes down to is that you’re just a selfish jerk, but I’d still go down on you when you’re sleeping, but that’s just because I am a selfish pervert. Cuddles.

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Louise Redknapp in a Bikini of the Day January 22nd, 2008