Rihanna and Her Umbrella of the Day

It turns out that that Rihanna is a whore and not the kind of whore I like, you know the ones who work the back alleys and smell of other men they serviced 2 days earlier, with rotting teeth and an addiction to crack that leads to cheap sex, Rihanna is the worst kind of whore and that is one with no pride but a whole lot of greed. We get it, this bitch sang about umbrellas and now it seems only fitting that she attach her name to and market umbrellas….because it will liner her fucking pockets. I hear she’s already working on song called “Drinking My Juicer Juice” or some other infomercial bullshit.

This kinda reminds me of the time my doctor who was cutting me pain killer prescriptions on the down low signed himself into rehab for having a painkiller addiction, only he wasn’t really making money off going to rehab, he actually lost money and his medical license, so maybe it’s not at all the same, but I do know that this shit is not very punk rock and that Rihanna and her umberalla are fuckin’ sell outs and that doesn’t change the fact that I want to make it rain on them ho with my semen.

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Rihanna and Her Umbrella of the Day February 6th, 2008