Christina Aguilera’s Got Some Big Baby Tits of the Day

Christina Aguilera may look like a cheap hooker who was raped and left to die but came back to life because she had some exclusive event she was hired to escort some rich dude to and that hope of having a big break gave her the will to survive, but the reality is that she’s a mother and deserves a little more respect than that, even though your perverted self is blinded by her tits. I think it’s important to remember that those big tits aren’t something to jerk off to but are a source of nourishment to another life and we can all just keep our dicks in our pants and accept the fact that her baby gets more action than you. Who cares that the girl had big fake tits before the pregnancy and even bigger milk filled fake tits with the pregnancy and it’s pretty much nature’s way, except for the fake tit part, so our making a spectacle of them is pretty fucking desperate. I guess the same can be said for her, but her body is probably beat the fuck up and has things hanging where they never hung, so drawing some sexual attention to herself with her tits is probably some kind of need to still feel wanted….because she knows when she looks in the mirror that even she wouldn’t fuck herself, but we all know you would and probably while the baby watched, because you’re a sick exhibitionist like that…but I can’t blame you, we’ve all got needs.

Christina Aguilera’s Got Some Big Baby Tits of the Day February 13th, 2008