Kathleen Turner Hasn’t Had Sex in 2 Years of the Day

So Kathleen Turner is crazier than Britney and drunker than I am. Bitch is on Larry King talking about how she hasn’t had sex in 2 years pretty much because no one has turned her on in the last 2 years since her husband left her. I wonder if she’s looked in the mirror long enough to realize that she probably hasn’t turned anyone on in the last 2 years and that’s why they haven’t turned her on…they were too busy trying to get out of the conversation and run away, that is because she hasn’t met me because I have no standards and would totally fuck her like I was romancing the stones and by stones I mean old drunk fat lady who has more money than my wife and who wouldn’t judge my drinking…..

Kathleen Turner Hasn’t Had Sex in 2 Years of the Day February 19th, 2008