Bill O’Reilly Goes After Bill Maher of the Day

I don’t watch TV because I don’t have a TV and can’t afford and TV and if I could afford a TV, I wouldn’t buy a TV because I’d rather put it in a savings account so that one day I’ll have enough money stashed away to escape this life.

People keep sending me clips of shit from TV and since I like to run my mouth about everything, I have no choice but to post them here.

I know nothing about BIll O’Reilly, but I do know about Bill Maher and he’s some dude who dates dirty black sluts like SuperHead, who he apparently treated like shit because he’s on some kind of power trip and thinks he’s so fuckin’ smart and she’s just nothing but a whore who sucks off basketball players and rap superstars, but that doesn’t matter, what does matter is the he rips into the Catholic church about being pedophiles on a huge scale and it’s kinda funny in an obvious way, but still funny.

I met a priest the other day because I wanted to repent my sins and figured what better way to beg for forgiveness than to try to find Jesus like most recovering addicts do. When I got there, I couldn’t help but ask him where his mustache was. I figure since he only really works on Sundays, he’s got a lot of downtime that could be used to tutor kids, coach little league since he’s not allowed to jerk off, which is something most guys do whenever they have a lot of downtime. He didn’t laugh but still told me the Jesus loves me which made me feel ok about making fun of everyone.

This Bill O’Reily dude is kind of right about the double standard and that the white Christian man is subject to a lot of abuse because they are the norm, but the second you rip into Jews, Fags, Blacks, Spics, Terrorists, Women, Native Americans, you have all these fuckin’ groups on your ass trying to shut you the fuck down for being an asshole. I firmly believe that we should be able to call Catholics pedophiles, White people boring, Black people criminals, Hispanics Lazy, Natives Gas Huffers, Jews Dog Faced Money Grubbing Accountants, Fags Unnatural, Lesbians Bitches who Wish They Had Penis so Instead Hate on Penis, Muslims terrorists and whatever other stereotype that makes you laugh. This shit isn’t hate, it’s just mass-generalizations and people need to stop taking themselves so seriously, including O’Reilly.

Bill O’Reilly Goes After Bill Maher of the Day April 16th, 2008