Some Rape Victim Turns to Youtube For Help of the Day

Some 16 year old girl from Florida was raped by some 23 year old who got off and she turned to Youtube to get exposure because she felt like she had no where to go. I have never officially raped a girl but I know that rape fucks people up for life. It turns girls into penis hating lesbians, it makes them really hard girls to date and all that emotional damage is pretty understandable. Watching this shit is pretty painful if you have a soul and if you are wondering why I am posting it, it’s because I feel like some of you are desperate enough for sex to go out and violate and I figure that this should leave a little impact as to why you should just flush your Roofies down the toilet because the few minutes it takes you to get off in your sick way can ruin a person’s life. Either way, I call fake on this shit, she’s probably just trying to get back at her boyfriend who cheated on her or some guy who fucked her and never called her back for seconds…

Some Rape Victim Turns to Youtube For Help of the Day May 15th, 2008