Blake Lively Upskirt of the Day

This Blake Lively chick is the hot one on the show Gossip Girl and the show Gossip Girl looks like a total piece of shit, but I wouldn’t know since I don’t have a TV, but I do know that if this is the hot one and she isn’t very hot, the show’s not worth watching.

Here she is showing off her black underwear as she gets out of a car because she’s too pussy to show her pussy. I guess you can pretend this is hot because about 50 years ago, black underwear was hot. It was something only harlots wore and was the forbidden underwear for people who didn’t care about God or the church and that usually meant they would have sex with you without making you marry them and were into abortions if you slipped up. In that more simple of a time, it was a lot easier to get turned on. I wish that a peek at a woman’s garter or panties was enough for me, but now I am desentized and I blame sluts, the media and the internet coupled with psychologically induced impotency from an ugly wife and the only way I’d get turned on by this Blake Lively chick is if she was getting gangbanged on my living room floor by 5 dudes and 10 chicks that are hotter than her dumpy ass.

Bonus – Here are Some Pictures of Blake Lively Covered in Dog Pee Because Even Her Dog Thinks She’s a Toilet of a Person

Blake Lively Upskirt of the Day June 20th, 2008