Perez Hilton’s New Body Offends Me of the Day

Here’s a pretty repulsive video to start your day of Perez Hilton showing what working out with a celebrity trainer can do for you, because now that he makes 50,000,000 dollars a year, more than most celebrities do, he can afford to get help. At first, I was thinking dude had Aids, but remembered that he’s too ugly to get laid and instead has turned to the computer to fill the void that is his unattractiveness.

Truth is that I think dude probably should have waited another 6 months of working out before showing off his progress, because right now all I see is one too many boxes of donuts while motherfucker sits at home writing teenage girl stupidities about Hollywood. Sure,t I may still be fatter than Perez, but I’m not about to get topless on camera to not only offend the Gay community, but also the world.

I will say that there’s no way this fucker is really gay, sure he’s got pretty homo hair and dresses pretty homo and speaks with a lisp, but no gay dude would ever look like this and the gay dudes I know on cocaine and laxative diets, not just because it cleans the passage for better smelling bum fucking, but because gay dudes are vain as shit. There’s reason why every time I go to gay clubs in hopes of getting free drinks I end up getting nothing and that is because fat is worse than Aids in the gay community and I’ve even heard of some dude intentionally getting aids so that they can lose weight easier than diet and exercise with the added benefit of bareback sex with other fags without concern of landing Aids because they already have it….

Either way, dude’s trying to get words of encouragement from his fat readers who find his quest to get in shape inspiring, because people in his real life don’t answer his calls….Even his parents.

Perez Hilton’s New Body Offends Me of the Day July 8th, 2008