Miley Cyrus Has No Legs of the Day

Here are some pictures of Miley Cyrus on the beach for a scene of her show in a pair of short fucking shorts. I guess the executives at Disney have come to terms with the fact that they’ve been jerking off to the spycam videos of Miley’s changing room for so long that it’s time to share the wealth, but I know that if this was my daughter, I wouldn’t let her leave the fucking house like this, I’d make sure she was in a sheer t-shirt with no bra, but only because I think dressing like that leads to better opportunities and it’s never too early to start.

I was randomly messaged by a girl today, someone I don’t know, and I asked her what she was wearing because that’s what I do. She turned around and called me a creep, automatically assuming that I was trying to get sexy with her, without even considering that maybe I am into fashion. Not to mention it’s the middle of the fucking day and she’s probably sitting in an office and cheap business casual doesn’t give me boners. But the real issue was that she called me a fuckin’ creep, when she’s the one messaging people she doesn’t know on the fucking internet, that’s the gateway shit that gets teenage girls raped and murdered by psycho’s they met online, so I guess she’s the creep.

The truth is that the real creep in all this is you, because the image of Miley Cyrus in short shorts turns you on but not as much as the idea of Miley Cyrus with no legs, beause you like the idea of her not being able to run away. Sicko.


Miley Cyrus Has No Legs of the Day July 10th, 2008