Ashley Dupre’s Got a Sex Tape of the Day

The goverenor’s favorite escort has a sex tape or something that could be a sex tape but all they’ve released are clips of her rubbin’ one out. If you’ve always wondered what high class escort vagina looks like, because you’ve been paying for table scrap hookers, who don’t hide the fact that they suck dick for money by labeling themselves high class, when there’s nothing high class about whoring yourself out.

Either way, here’s your chance to check her out at a price you can afford and after seeing this, I know I’d be feeling some serious buyer’s remorse if I was the govenor and I’d refund like the time I hired a whore to suck me off bareback and after getting the money threw a condom on, which didn’t work for me and led to a serious fight with some crackhead I assume was her pimp. I ended up pistol whipped and broken nosed, and her price was already good to begin with, none of this Dupre highway robbery.

Truth is that I can find local pornstars who are hotter than this and who would fuck you on camera for a fraction of her price and even some street whores who willing to get the job done $5, but here’s some of the most inflated priced pussy around for free and you can’t complain when it don’t cost a thing.

Watch the Masturbation Clip Here

Ashley Dupre’s Got a Sex Tape of the Day July 14th, 2008