Miley Cyrus and Her Spoiled Brat Face of the Day

Miley Cyrus may be richer than Jesus, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t a stain on the world…. The truth is when I look at these pictures of her lookin’ like she just got her wisdom teeth removed, with her busted up mouth and swollen face, I am amazed that she’s even got cast to be on the show that changed the world. I am just as surprised that she hasn’t used some of her money to get corrective dental surgery all while not knowing how a producer looked at her and said that she’s the one they are going to invest in.

I am also shocked that people are drawn to her, find her attractive or talented while she sounds retarded everytime she speaks and looks like a less than average girl. The worst thing in all this is that I know the cunty attitude she probably lays down on everyone, because she knows she’s a big deal and because her bank account is pretty fuckin’ full and this bratty face of hers is one that needs a good fuckin’ beating because that scour is one a 4 year old makes when in line in front of me at the grocery store and his mom doesn’t buy him candy about 30 seconds before the screaming and tantrum throwing starts. The same tantrum throwing that gets under my fuckin skin and makes me want to suicide bomb the fuckin store, but in all fairness I have social anxiety and don’t really like being in public when sober.

Either way, she reminds me of the kids at the house I used to do landscaping for who had parents that were never around, because the mom was too busy fucking her tennis coach and her personal trainer when not buying designer clothes or at the spa getting her hair and nails done and the dad was too busy working making money to support their lavishly annoying lifestyle, that the kids were stuck with a nanny who they treated like a shitty fucking employee at a Plantation in the south in the 1800s. I’m talking spitting on the bitch and tormenting her and neglecting to listen to anything she said because they knew they had the power and they knew she wouldn’t complain because she knew the parents would side with the kids leaving her and her illegal ass on a plane back home.

I hate rich kids and I hate their fuckin’ “me” mentality that makes them neglect to be pleasant people to be around because they are too busy complaining, whining and being obnoxious while always getting their spoiled rich kid cunt way…..the only thing good about rich kids is the drug addiction and sexual escapades they do in attempts to get some attention from their parents, but that’s just because sex and drugs are inspiring.

Miley Cyrus and Her Spoiled Brat Face of the Day August 12th, 2008