Miley Cyrus in Some Staged “Being 15 Years Old” Pictures of the Day

Some girls stage bikini pictures to get attention, Miley Cyrus on the other hand stages bike riding pictures, trying to secure the idea of her being a wholesome 15 year old virgin who likes doing normal 15 year old things, while we all know she’s grown up too fast, has become a cocky spoiled brat of a girl, who in no way hasn’t had sex despite making claims that she doesn’t. It’s the Paris Hilton generation and at any given time that big breasted stupid girl in the corner willing to listen to you talk her ear off in exchange for a free drink and who gets drunk enough off that drink to suck you off in the bathroom like she thinks she’s supposed to, is actually a 15 year old girl. Not that that has ever happened to you, but at the rate things are going, sluts are younger and younger and probably will and you won’t say no because a one drink blowjob from a minor is a great return on investment, until their father finds out and breaks your fuckin’ legs for being a fuckin’ pedophile.

So the real sicknes in all this is not that young girls fuck, or that Miley Cyrus fucks it’s that you wish you were that bike seat and since even you and your delusions know that isn’t possible, would totally settle with just smelling the seat. That makes me feel uncomfortable.

Miley Cyrus in Some Staged “Being 15 Years Old” Pictures of the Day August 19th, 2008