Rihanna is Poor of the Day

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So people are saying that Rihanna is poor, but here are some pictures of her shopping and it looks like she’s managed to buy herself some pretty stupid fucking shoes/sandals/ hockey pads that I don’t fuckin’ understand but hate. I guess it’s possible that whatever company created this hideous invention gave them to her for free, but it doesn’t matter, what does matter is that people say despite being on the radio and in the club all the fuckin’ time, bitch is only worth 20,000 dollars

If that is true, she wouldn’t be the first black person exploited and the way I see it, is that she was just some slut in Barbados who was discovered and offered a shit deal. Possibly because there was no guarantee her shit would work and it was a risk, but the label wanted to give it a try or maybe they just knew she would sign because of where she was at, knowing that living in Barbados your real only high point would be playing the nightly resort show she was probably auditioning for when it went down.

So it’s one of those situations where she signs on to the first deal that comes her way, she figures it’s a dream come true, they offer her a million dollars as an advance but that has to be paid back to pay for costs like videos and CDs and shit, and she clears 20,000 dollars at the end of the whole thing, which is probably still double what her family makes back home not to mention she’s gets to live the celebrity high life and I guess you just can’t put a price on that.

She’s the kind of meal ticket all record labels dream of, you know the third world kind with low expectations, a person you can exploit and hire to work your plantation while you get richer and it’s just the way shit is and who really cares about her finances when you can watch her suck that Starbucks straw like it was your dick only your dick’s not quite that wide making getting pussy an embarrassing endeavor.

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Rihanna is Poor of the Day August 30th, 2008