Ashley Tisdale is Still Ugly of the Day

Ashley Tisdale is just one of those girls that no matter how hard she tries to look good, she just doesn’t pull it off. Like the time my Albino neighbor put on some self tanning cream, lipstick and a wig and looked like something out of a horror movie and not one of those Hollywood Actresses she was aiming for, or the time this Italian dude who was tired of seeing me down on my luck encouraged me to go out there and do something I’ve always wanted to do and to do it in a nice Italian suit he was selling, I had some extra money at the time and was feeling pretty desperate and he convinced me that this would change my life, so I slicked my hair back, put on the suit he just sold me and walked to my nearest subway station, got on the train and pulled my dick out to both unsuspecting college girls and girls coming home from the office and he was right, it really made a difference in all of our lives and I looked fuckin’ classy being my sleazy self, but was still my sleazy self… or like the Jewish girl I knew got a nose job for a deviated septum, which is Jew code for “I don’t like my nose and want to change it because I am tired of looking like a Jewish monster coming to steal your soul and do your taxes” and that girl was Ashley Tisdale, sure she’s not actually a Jewish girl I know, but close enough considering I live my life vicariously through the internet.

Ashley Tisdale is Still Ugly of the Day September 11th, 2008