Jessica Simpson is Seriously Desperate for Male Attention of the Day

I posted these Jessica Simpson pics the other day without realizing that there was an ass flash during the performance, I am sure I am not the first guy to neglect this girls ass, even though everytime she has sex homeboy is trying his fuckin’ hardest to get up in it for fear of accidentally knocking her up because we all know how badly she wants a baby. She’s the kind of girl you use a condom with and when you are done, you bury that shit in the backyard in hopes that her desperate womb doesn’t find it and flip it inside out to try to imregnate herself with it.

I feel for this girl though, it’s always hard for an older sibling to see their younger sibling do things before them, but I think if she took the time to actually see who knocked Ashlee up, she’d feel better about things and probably back the fuck up from all the food that fat ass has been emotionally eating.

Either way, this is a pretty interesting take on being country, I wonder when she’ll incorporate the live sex with a horse component to the performance, I hear that’s how they do it back home on the farm when there’s no cock to be found for 4 counties….I don’t know what I am talking about.

Jessica Simpson is Seriously Desperate for Male Attention of the Day September 11th, 2008