I was at a friend’s house last night watching David Letterman, not because I love late night TV or because I am a fan of any of the hosts of talk shows, but because we had nothing better to do. Richard Simmons was a guest and dude was wearing a feather shirt, caused a scene and Letterman threatened to kill him. It’s kinda their played out dynamic that I was expecting since they always have beef and anytime they wanna stir up ratings, they book Richard Simmons and his weird gayness, but the second guest was this Mary Louise Parker bitch and Letterman told her she has a great ass a few times. I never heard of her and don’t really remember much about what she said, other than that she has an Ethiopian baby because they don’t really cost a lot to feed, but I saw this picture of her naked in the show Weeds, so I assume that’s what she does and figured I might as well post them pictures here.