Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson are in Mexico in Bikinis of the Day

I was listening to Lesbian Radio last night, I don’t have a TV and it happened to be the only thing on that was entertaining. After about 10 minutes of the shit, I realized that Lesbians really take themselves seriously and aren’t all that entertaining at all. They are man hating, pussy licking hippies with little to offer the world but a decent fantasy when you are tired of lookin at dick in your porn because you start questionning whether it is the girl or the guy getting you off, leading to the need to prove to yourself that you like girls.

Either way, my wife made me turn it off because she hates lesbians, because she sees them as college kids who took the whole experimenting shit one step too far and turned it into a lifestyle. When the radio show went to talk about gay marriages, she laughed saying that she thought being a ‘mo was all about never having to get married. You know avoiding the hell that is marriage and when celebs talk about how they are getting Garried, they are just full of shit attention seekers, cuz real gay people would never do something the breeder do.

I guess none of that matters, because we all know Lohan’s just a lesbian for attention and to clean up an image of a vagina that took a couple too many dicks for her age and it is her way of pacing herself out, without having to be alone for any amount of time, because she’s just a broken down childstar with no father figure and an addiction. But who really cares, here they are in bikinis, and unlike the other sites, I have no need to talk about Ronson in a bikini, I have seen a lot worse in a fucking bikini and the good news is that they are skinny. I’ll let you come to your own conclusions as to whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing, because as far as I’m concerned, seeing her in a bikini is a lot better than seeing me in a bikini, mainly because my dick is probably about the same size as her lesbian clit and frankly, it’s pretty embarrassing…..kinda like using the word frankly in a post, that’s so not me.

Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson are in Mexico in Bikinis of the Day September 30th, 2008