Coco isn’t really known for her suubtle sluttiness, and is mor the kind of girl you invite to your party because you expect her to show you vagina stunts, like how many dicks her vagina can eat at the same time before her uterus falls ou, or how licks it takes her make her squirt, or how much unprotected sex they can have before she bleeds, or how much cum she can swallow before getting cum farts, or how much silicone you can put in a tit before it starts leaking out of the nipple, you know where I am going with this, she’s a glorified whore, but she works exclusively for Ice T and in his perversion in dating a whore, he sucked up his dignity and brought her to events, because she threatened to stop accepting his business and he decided to marry her, instead of lose her, because the general public accepts a whore of a wife more than a whore. It’s one of those harsh realities for the hookers out there, but don’t worry, I’ll accept you for what you are, if you give me a significant discount, but I won’t stand for you going to black tie events with me, in semi see through shirts on, I’d insist on you showing up totally naked… I guess that’s where Ice T and I are different….along with the color of our skin, the size of our penises, the amount of money in our bank accounts and a whole lot of other things, but he deserves some respect from the feminists out there for taking the high road and treating his hooker like a lady, like his life was that movie Pretty Woman, only more believable, considering no one I know would have sex with Julia Roberts unless she was doin’ the paying.