Amanda Bynes Legs Aren’t Shy of the Day

The paparazzi attacked Amanda Bynes making her giggle like she’s on drugs, playing off that she’s shy, but when asked about Jennifer Hudson, she doesn’t seem too shy , after saying she feels very sad for them, then bursting into laughter…..pretty sympathetic, but in her defense, she’s too busy loving herself and thinking she’s the best thing on the fuckin’ planet to really bother with this black on black crime, I mean the only black people she knows live in Beverly Hills and other rich neighborhoods, and she even clenches on her purse when they walk up to her at charity events, on the street or in the club.

I don’t know if any of that is true, it’s just my own speculation, but I do know that her legs are good enough for me to forget her seemingly racist, insensitive, self-absorbed personality, because I never really take the time to get to know a girl well enough to know her opinion on shit, when I’m hiding under the stairwell trying to look up their skirts, if you know what I mean.


Here’s New York, she’s on some reality TV show called “I Love New York”, a show Jennifer Hudson’s Fiance was on before they were engaged, giving Jennifer Hudson a heart felt apology….

Here’s Sam Ronson, who has pretty much nothing to do with Jennifer Hudson, but the paparazzi feel the need to ask her opinion about it, regardless of her probably being too busy babysitting Lindsay Lohan to bother watching the news, giving her heart felt thoughts on the incident….

Amanda Bynes Legs Aren’t Shy of the Day October 29th, 2008