Aubrey O’Day is a Disaster of the Day

Aubrey O’Day reminds me of using too much E or at least her career does. One minute, she’s flying high on her reality show, in a band then the next she’s kicked the fuck off the show and out of the band, for being an attention whore slut that draws negative attention to Diddy, making her doomed to a life of fake tits and colorfully dyed dogs. It’s like the time I went to a rave years ago, not really knowing what to expect, and popping a couple of pills my friend gave me and realizing it kicked in an hour into it because the people dressed like circus performers in furry pants didn’t piss me off anymore, actually nothing pissed me off and I was meeting people, hugging strangers and was convinced that I was in heaven and these little freaky kids were fuckin’ angels carrying me to a better place, then all of a sudden, my brain froze and when I looked at their faces they were skeletons and demons and I ran in the corner trying to hide, thinking it was over for me…..and it took me about 2 years to really believe that I hadn’t died that night and that I was actually not in some weird afterlife, but in real life, and my friends were happy when I stopped grabbing their faces in a panic to see if they were actually there with me and that I wasn’t just dreaming the whole thing. Needless to say, I never did E again and my story probably has nothing to do with Aubrey O’Day and her busted up face, but I am too far behind to bother editing it now…..

Aubrey O’Day is a Disaster of the Day October 31st, 2008