Suzanne Somers is a Hot Old Lady of the Day

You know you never hear dudes brag about how dry their girl’s vaginas are. Like you never here shit like “My girl never gets wet, her pussy is like a cold platter of deli meat, and every time I try sticking my dick in it, it’s like fucking sandpaper”, but that was before I saw these pictures of Suzanne Somers, because despite knowing that she’s in her 60s and has a pretty hot body for a 60 year old, despite the whole gunt she should try to thighmaster off a little more aggressively, you know her husband is bragging to all his friends about her. You know he’s totally down with her menopausal old lady lack of natural lubricant pussy, because of what it’s attached to, and I guess I am posting this to give all you girls who don’t even look this good now, some genetic evidence that maybe it is time to kill yourself, because it’s only going to get worse for you while women like this roam the planet and you can really only blame your parents for bringing you into this cold dark world….not that I think suicide is ever an answer, I am just throwing another reason to your list of reasons you should do it when you run throuhg the whole pros/cons in your head every night. Suicide is really only encouraged if you are the cast of The Hills or Paris Hilton and the truth is that there are a lot of ugly people out there who get by in this superficial world because there are a lot of desperate dudes out there who will fuck anything, even you, so maybe you should take on a job at a call center or behind the scenes somewhere, because we all know people are nicer to you when they don’t have to see that wretched face and you can save that money for plastic surgery or nice things to distract yourself from the fate that is your life…

Suzanne Somers is a Hot Old Lady of the Day October 31st, 2008