Mel B in a Bikini in Egypt of the Day

Mel B from Dancing with the Stars Fame was out in a bikini in Egypt with her husband, because when I think of amazing vacation spots, Egypt always comes to mind. I mean I don’t think about a dessert and a bunch of Jew slaves building pyramids and camels, or arab chicks in bed sheets, I think bikinis, girls gone wild and Tara Reid, but then again I am not as cultured or worldly as this Mel B chick, proven the fact that the bikini I am wearing at the moment is just a pair of boxers that are way too small for my fat ass, while on the couch in my shitbox apartment I call home, because i try to keep my clothes on for national security, even though I am too irrelevant to affect a nation, proven by the fact that I am not the one gallivanting around the world half naked and in love because she’s made great progress from the her slave ancestors….they would be proud.

Mel B in a Bikini in Egypt of the Day November 10th, 2008