Mickey Rourke Doesn’t Like Gay People of the Day

The paparazzi followed Mickey Rourke around the other night because, clearly no other celebrity was around or maybe because they mistook his botoxed face of that of a woman disguised as a man, but I don’t really know or care. What I do know is that last week Perez Hilton reported that Rourke was dating Evan Rachel Woods now that she’s broken up with Marilyn Manson, because I guess she has made it clear that she has no taste when it comes to the cock she lets in her, the only prerequisite is that it is 20 years older than her. Either way, Rourke said something like “Tell that faggot I will break his fucking legs” and I guess Rourke and the rest of the free world have something in common and that’s a hatred for the fat pink haired embarrassment to both the gay community and Hollywood….but the real issue for gay activists is that he used faggot as a derogatory term, when it’s meant to be something beautiful.

Now, let’s just hope Mickey Rourke gets away from admiring himself in the mirror and fighting the aging process by paying for surgery to keep his boyish good looks and mans the fuck up, but the fact that he’s a fuckin’ actor, pretty much guarantees that he’s a pussy. Real men work in construction and not in color coordinating their boots and practicing how to smoke tough to really convey his bad boy image that he created in his million dollar bathroom voting against gay marriage because the more freedom the gays have, the more inclined he’ll be to having to accept his homosexuality….sometimes it’s better to keep things swept under the mattress, or locked away in the closet…Yeah, I just said Mickey Rourke’s a gay…it’s kinda his fault, because real men don’t do botox, but men who want men inside them do…true story.

Mickey Rourke Doesn’t Like Gay People of the Day November 10th, 2008