Some McCain Teenage Fans of the Day

Here’s a video of some teenage girls doing a typical teenage song and dance, only instead of mouthing the words to Britney Spears’ Womanizer or Rihanna, these bitches decided to get creative. They threw down some beat from some song and came up with their own lyrics, kinda what the black folk they hate so much would call a Freestyle. I guess the biggest disappointment wasn’t so much what they were saying about how the country is fucked because there’s a black president, but more the delivery. They should have written this shit out and practiced this shit in front of a mirror to make it bulletproof, instead they put up their first audition and shit’s a fuckin’ mess. They aren’t even old enough to be hot and half naked, so I didn’t really make it past “he’s black, he’s black, he’s black” or whatever the fuck they are saying and they cut off the best joke, which was assigning people to make Obama christmas ornaments so he can hang from a tree where he belongs, maybe a typical, uncreative “racist” joke, but still has some merit of being a vulgar/offensive joke, unlike everything else, because the only thing offensive in this is their shitty production value.

I guess given their level of intelligence, it’s pretty impressive that they were able to turn on their webcam, another thing that is impressive, that their family, who probably instilled this value system into them can afford a webcam, because the biggest vocally racist people are usually not tech savvy or financially capable of buying computers…but busy working blue collar or their farms, bitter that there are richer black people than them…

Either way, watch the video, it’s pretty much worthless, and that’s something I am sure you can relate to.

Some McCain Teenage Fans of the Day March 19th, 2021