Top Turkey Videos for Thanksgiving of the Day

I am going to admit, I didn’t put much effort into this. There are probably way better Turkey videos out there and I apologize to anyone who spent hours slaving over their Turkey video, hoping one day it would be featured on a site nobody reads.

I just figured when you assholes are all dicking around with your family, or by yourself on your day off, doing whatever bullshit you do to entertain yourself, whether it’s watching football, telling your mom how much you miss her and are so happy to be back home to suck her tit and help in the kitchen, going through old photo albums, and wondering where the good old days have gone, dealing with repressed memories of you getting touched by one of your uncles during Thanksgiving dinner many years ago, or if you’re trying to come to terms with your unresolved issues with your parents, you know feeling like you don’t measure up to your siblings, like you’re their least favorite, like they’re ashamed of you… might as well do it to these videos…

Not to mention, I think it’s good to know where your Turkey’s been and what it’s gone through to end up on your table, while I sit here eating pasta noodles with soya sauce I found in the back of the closet, and it pretty much tastes like shit…

Here are the videos….

The 6 Dollar Ukrainian Turkey…..

Some Weird Angry Death Metal Turkey Killer…Named Psycho Jim….

Farm Boys Don’t Just Like Fuckin’ Their Sister, They Like Burning Turkeys To Death….

Psycho Jim Does it Again Only With Restraints…

The Butcher…..Music Provided By DJ AM….

Good Ol’ Country Folk, Claude Ouellette & Albert Rozas The Turkey Killers With a Sense of Humor Edition….

A Couple French Men, An Axe and an Obscure Film Artist Lookin Motherfucker

Some Wierd Interpretive Student Film Turkey Slaughter

Top Turkey Videos for Thanksgiving of the Day November 27th, 2008