Youtube Video of the Day

His name is: beebee890.

His Youtube Channel description is: me talking doing little blogs can crashes my just being me .

His interests: i like you tube.

His location: United States.

His psychological evaluation: He’s not crazy, he’s just retarded.

You gotta give youtube some credit, they’ve made a place where the local weirdo no one talks to can get an audience bigger than the one he’s used to at local public places he usually has his fits in. It’s taken focus off the real celebrities and allowed people with no shame to be known and laughed at by the world. I don’t really know if that’s a good thing, because I can only assume it leads to suicide, but it seems to make me and the rest of the world laugh at other people’s expense, without them actually knowing it, guilt-free, so instead of clenching our purses and crossing the street, we can see their episodes on repeat and even send them to our friends.

To See the Rest of His 1600 Videos


Youtube Video of the Day December 4th, 2008