Lily Allen’s Miscarriage Ass Goes Shopping of the Day

Here are some pictures of Lily Allen wearing the panties she should have kept on when she got knocked up and was forced to abort the mission because the relationship with the baby daddy went sour and because she was more into feeding herself liquor and drugs than breast feeding babies, so that’s why she’s out not shopping for baby clothes. It’s really too bad this short legged dumpy ass didn’t take fertilization when she had a chance, because based on how she looks, the next time around, provided her uterus wasn’t damaged by a botched abortion, will definitely be with an opportunist lookin’ to K-Fed a bitch, than someone who truly loves her or finds her attractive, because I know ugly girls get laid, because guys are horny as fuck, and sometimes guys get locked in and marry the ugly girls because they have no other prospect and they like the sex and are in too deep and don’t like being alone, but those ugly girls aren’t famous and don’t have guys knockin’ down their doors to get a date with them because they are famous, so the future of Lily Allen will be her being used for her money and not for her pussy like all other girls and I guess when she figures all that out, it’ll sting, probably a lot less than the regrets of her abortion….

Lily Allen’s Miscarriage Ass Goes Shopping of the Day December 5th, 2008