Vida Guerra’s Ass in a Photoshoot Video of the Day

People love VIda Guerra’s crazy fat ass, so when I came across this photoshoot video, I figured I’d post it because I am too lazy to sit on the computer all day when everyone else I know is on fucking vacation already, even if that laziness gives me a booty like this that I can turn around and cash the fuck in on, I mean if the world wasn’t such a sexist fucking place, where men can’t get away with just being a half naked whore, and not actually offering anything to the world, or actually working, because being something guys want to fuck means there will always be enough cash flowin’ in.

So all you feminist cunts can go fuck yourself about equal pay and shit, because you have it easy, at least you could have had it easy if you weren’t a mechanic lookin, jean and flannel wearing, shaved head bull dyke that no one wants to fuck…you know the reason why you make such a big deal about sexualization of women in the media is because you’re fucking jealous that you were forced into lesbianism and real work for a fraction of the pay because guys didn’t want you naked….right….maybe you should focus on something you understand, like oil changes.

Either way, watch the ass in action, it’s one of the modern world’s great mysteries….

Vida Guerra’s Ass in a Photoshoot Video of the Day December 23rd, 2008