Anna Faris and her Period Bloat in Some Shitty Photoshoot of the Day

Who the fuck is Anna Faris, oh right, she did a movie that would have been straight to DVD if the US population had any level of intelligence, but instead eat this kind of shit up like it was Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 – The Search For My Castrated Testicles in Paris Hilton’s Panty Drawer . She was seen doing some kind of photoshoot on the street in some Freddy Kruger dress I find disgusting, because it reminds me of a tampon that just gave your girlfriend Toxic Shock Syndrome because it was kept in too long, but I guess it’s appropriate considering she’s rockin’ some serious period bloat. I love being a fat guy who can spend his day hating on girls who would never fuck me, it’s like some kind of restitution that brings me peace. Thanks Anna Faris for being the kind of girl who would never fuck me, you don’t realize how therapeutic your superficiality is.

Anna Faris and her Period Bloat in Some Shitty Photoshoot of the Day January 16th, 2009