No I am not talking about her boyfriend. I already went on and on about how the only guy who would fuck her would have to be gay. Not because of her gaping vagina resembling a ball sack or because her dangling clit looks very dick-like when it gets hard, but because she’s got some drag queen level of plastic surgery and is so over the top that only a fag would see anything appealing about spending time with her, you know they like to keep things outrageous.
At first I thought proof to back up my theory is this weird motorized shit they are on, because you know that no straight dude would ever be comfortable enough with his sexuality to get up on one of these in public, not even for vagina, but then I remembered that guys usually do anything for pussy, even if it means pussying out byt doing things they’d never want to do, whether it’s going to plays or to antique stores or even shopping for dresses, so I guess the power of the pussy always wins, especially when your pussy is a trained seasoned veteran like Shauna Sands’.