Rebecca Romijn Stamos Working Out of the Day

Rebecca Romijn Stamos had twins with Jerry O’Connell on December 28 of this year. These are pictures of her trying to whip herself back into shape. If you’re wondering why I am still referring to her as a Stamos, despite being divorced from Uncle Jesse for a solid 4 years, it’s because I hate Jerry O’Connell and he is pretty much dead to me.

I don’t hate him for stupid reasons, like how guys with celebrity crushes refer to the celebrity’s significant other as an asshole or price or loser or pretty much anything negative, since the person with the celebrity crush feels he should be the guy by her side and resents the dude for being so lucky, mainly because I don’t care for celebrities, but also because that is fucking creepy.

I do hate him because when I was first in Canada, the one channel I used to get, used to play this Jerry O’Connell shit (see video) on the regular and since then, I have always hated this cocksucker, it’s one of those Katy Perry, Lady Gaga situations where I seriously get affected by my surroundings and when I can’t control what I am exposed to, I target the motherfucker and wish bad things for them.

That said, I always thought Rebecca Romijn Stamos was worth a fuck, so here she is trying to re-tighten that baby factory in her pants of hers….

Rebecca Romijn Stamos Working Out of the Day February 2nd, 2009