Wrestler Chris Jericho Attacks a Female Fan of the Day

In more abuse towards women news, piece of trash Chris Jericho was rushed by some fans in Canada recently and knocked a bitch down. That’s how we like to do things here in Canada, at least that’s what I tell my wife every time I climb her like an bouncy castle and hope the bitch drops…she never does.

The point of all this is that wrestling is a fucking joke. I don’t understand and have never understood the die hard fans of this shit. They are usually socially awkward kids you’d expect to play live-action RPGs, or locally, death metal kids, and any girl who would show up to see this fucker and get his autograph deserves to be knocked the fuck down, lets hope there is brain damage and it knocks some sense into her as she spends the rest of her life bed ridden and drooling, even if the bitch is a paid actor to give this dude a little more press because even he knows he is fighting a losing battle that is legitimizing this shit or making the public think he is relevant. Maybe he doesn’t grasp the concept of intelligence, you know since he never had to really mess with it, but I like to think society is smarter than that.

Either way, he’s a cocksucker and should keep his spandex shorts for the gay bath houses he frequents at 4 am most nights of the week, even if they leave him mad enough to punch a chick, not because he hates women and vagina because they don’t feel as good as a nice muscular man’s grip or dick down his throat, but because he is frustrated that his steroid dick gets laughed and doesn’t really appreciate that he’s only relevant because he’s nothing but an asshole to fuck to the other queers. True story.

Wrestler Chris Jericho Attacks a Female Fan of the Day February 9th, 2009