Kelly Clarkson’s Pretty Fucking Disgusting of the Day

Remember when you had a thing for Kelly Clarkson and you’d get mad at me for calling her a pig. You know when you thought she was the hottest popstar out there because she reminded you of the girl next door, because in reality, she was the girl next door. I’d say shit about how you can tell she’s a fat chick hiding in a skinny girl’s body because of contracts, I’d compare her to Ruben Studdard and I’d get so much fucking hate, like she meant so much to you, like she represented the American Dream, like thinking she was fat was against god’s way and was unpatriotic because she was an American Idol. Well Guess what, I win.

Well actually it looks like the dessert tray won, you know night after night after night, getting her fatter and fatter until reaching this point of fat, which as far as I am concerned is too fat to be seen in public but just fat enough to marry and and treat like the shit that she is to ensure food is on your table every night while living off her fortune.

Here she is in other clothes, I guess she was so excited to find shit that fit that she couldn’t wait to show the world….

Kelly Clarkson’s Pretty Fucking Disgusting of the Day February 24th, 2009