Britney Spears is the New Candy Girl of the Day

This Britney Spears shit is going to be a pretty big deal, All her shows are sold out and tickets are going for 200 dollars a piece and after seeing the dress rehearsal videos, some pretty fucking nutty shit goes down. It’s on some kind of Cirque du Soleil gayness, but maybe I’m just saying that because I’ve never gone to Cirque du Soliel, but probably more likely because seeing contortionists doing ribbon dances bores me, but I guess it all makes sense because her shit is called Circus.

It looks like it is going to be costing a lot of fucking money and even the dress rehearsals are big fucking scale. Her costumes are slutty, I want to fuck her and I guess so do a lot of big corporations who are on to help foot the bill, one of those companies is Candies, a shoe company and junior clothing company who have gone so far as to make Britney one of their Candies Girls, I guess in efforts to get their money’s worth.

It’s nice to see brands attach themselves to a bipolar, unstable, crazy person, you’d expect their conservative asses to stay as far away as possible from, but I guess they figure it’s worth draggin heir brand’s through the mud to be part of the biggest fucking concert in history, unless she kills herself before it starts….

Here’s the second video of her rehearsal….if anyone has tickets for me, I want to go masturbate in the crowd. Not to Britney but to all the little girls who act slutty like Britney.

Britney Spears is the New Candy Girl of the Day March 3rd, 2009