Gary Dourdan from CSI Gets a Lap Dance of the Day

Gary Dourdan is some CSI actor who was a guest on some show called Chiambretti Night out of Italy. Shit in Europe looks a lot more fun than shit in America, I mean they are known to be more open with nudity and sex where America is more open with guns and murder, and sure American TV’s got some hot pussy like Ryan Seacrest, but there’s just never enough half naked lap dances on the shit to make it worth my time, I guess I’ll just have to keep my poverty strip club with the ugliest fucking strippers around for that, not that I’ve gone to a fucking strip club in the last 6 months, which is pretty depressing because there was a time I was going daily, but I guess it’s all because of the economic crisis, that is my wife refusing to give me more than 20 dollars. I’ve already written too much about this so check out the pics.

Here’s a video of him doing a dance on the show, since I can’t find the lap dance video…it’s like they’re at a bad fucking club and the whole thing is fucking strange.

Gary Dourdan from CSI Gets a Lap Dance of the Day March 5th, 2009