Lady Gaga and her Handler of the Day

Here are some pictures of the next biggest thing in pop music, yes Faggots and I am not talking about Perez the latch on who probably makes more money than her, but is far from a star, but Lady Gaga, who has blown the fuck up despite being a try-hard with a pretty ugly fucking face and a dick she manages to hide. This no pants thing is all part of her manipulation, she’s got Lady in her name, she wears Leotards where you’d think you’d see a dick if she actually had a dick, but no fag hag is this outrageous, fake glamorous, obnoxious, while most fags are….

I’ve decided to be less negative about her as she’s coming to Montreal in a week and I expect to slap dicks with her, just to prove I’m right. The things I’ll do for the internet amazes me sometimes…

Lady Gaga and her Handler of the Day March 16th, 2009