Gretchen Rossi in a Bikini of the Day

I’ve never seen the Real Housewives of Orange County, but it sounds like some superficial, materialistic bullshit that I think is ruining our world, so that’s why I have no idea who this chick is.

Based on her wikipedia page, she’s 30 and a piece of shit gold digger, who I guess the other vapid cunt housewives take under their old, weathered, labia reduction and other plastic surgery bodies and give her horrible selfish advice, while hating her for having her youth…or some shit….

Here’s what I found out about her….

However, she left the real-estate business after becoming engaged to a wealthy OC executive named Jeff Beitzel, who is 24 years her senior. Jeff has been married and divorced five times and has four adult children. Although Rossi confesses that Jeff was not her “type” and she was not physically attracted to him at first, she calls him her “Prince Charming” and chooses to nurse him after his diagnosis of acute leukemia, until his death on September 13, 2008

After season 4 ended, allegations surfaced that Rossi never had a sincere relationship with Jeff but was instead simply his paid caretaker. It is alleged that Rossi maintained a secret sexual relationship with another man.

I guess this is her other man, and the dead guy was just a tool for ratings, and I don’t understand why any of you idiots would watch this shit. You’re the cause of the fucking problem, this bitch is just a fucking vehicle to communicate crap and I wouldn’t mind my dick being a vehicle she rides, unfortunately, it’s more of a broken down moped rotting in the backyard, and not gonna get her anywhere, if you know what I mean….

Gretchen Rossi in a Bikini of the Day March 19th, 2009